
Beautifully Simple Gaming Experiences.

What is a beta launch?

  • We are still working on things.

    We are making changes, updates, and fixing bugs. So, hang in there with us.

  • We have more features on the way.

    We have features that we are already working on and will slowly rolling out as we go.

  • We are testing new things all the time.

    We are still testing the site and finding new ways to do things.

Game Uplink TO Software

Beta Launch Features

"Powerful simplicity! The new Game Uplink system is exactly what the gaming community needs to manage and organize events and data while maintaining a simple and efficient user experience."
Jordan Smith
Luminous Gaming

Game Systems We Support

Star Warsâ„¢: Legion

We love Legion and are focused on delivering the best tool for the game. This will be our foundation to support other games.

Generic Support for 66+ Games!

We will be bringing on more games as we go. If you have ideas or want us to add your game let us know!

Some of the games we are supporting:

A Song of Ice and Fire

Battletech: Total Warfare Edition

Blood and Plunder

Blood Bowl

Flames of War

Konflikt ’47

Oak & Iron

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Wild West Exodus

and more!

Who are we?

We know that properly running tabletop tournaments is becoming increasingly complex… and we want to help.

We are gamers and TOs just like you. We love the community and attending events and want to deliver seamless experiences for all gamers.

We are you.

Want to use our logo for something?

Want to tell people what TO software you're using or want to show us as a sponsor? Get access to our logos and our brand guidelines!

Copyright © 2023 Game Uplink LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Get feature updates as we add them!


What game do you want on Game Uplink?

